Polaris Electronics A/S
Kaerholt 1
DK-9210 Aalborg SO
Теl.: +45 9631 7900
Fаx: +45 9631 7901
Mail: info@polaris-as.dk
VAT: DK25359607
Iridium Certus® 200 Maritime
The LT-4200 system has voice and data capabilities with 100% global coverage provided by the Iridium® network. The LT-4200 system consists of a control unit, antenna unit, handset, and cradle. A single coaxial cable connects the control unit with the antenna unit. Using a standard coaxial cable, up to 150 meters of separation between the units can be obtained, giving freedom to mount the antenna unit in the best possible location, with free line of sight to the satellites.
The LT-4200 system can be used as the primary satellite communication product on vessels, covering the basic communication needs in terms of connectivity (ship to ship / ship to shore). The LT-4200 system offers 3 high quality voice channels, and IP-data 176 kbps (up) / 176 kbps (down), making it the perfect satellite communication product on board any vessel.
Galvanic isolated power supply is requested by the manufacturer. See LT DC-DC Converter under Brochure.
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